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How to change the price cart without reloading the page

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Hi everyone,


I want to change the price of the cart for it to be seen directly on the website without reloading the page.

Every time I check or uncheck my checkbox, the price should change.

i figured I had to do it with JQuery so this is what I did :


For those how might be wondering, the file blockcart.php is loaded because a variable changes and needs to be updated.

I haven't called the blockcart.tpl file which shows the content of the variable.

PlusQuinze is the name of the checkbox




<script langage="Javascript">


$("input").click(function () {


var name =($(this).attr("name"));

if(name == "PlusQuinze")



var xhr_object = null;


{ // Firefox

xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest();


else if(window.ActiveXObject)

{ // Internet Explorer

xhr_object = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');


var method = 'POST';

var filename = './modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl';

xhr_object.open(method, filename, true);

xhr_object.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

xhr_object.onreadystatechange = function()


if(xhr_object.readyState == 4)


if (xhr_object.status == 200)














There is another solution to my problem which is to refresh directly the blockcart module with a function every time I check my checkbox, like when you add a product to the cart. I'm searching for the function but haven't found it yet.


Thank you for your help

Edited by cedric.v (see edit history)
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