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Your complaining about presta

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Hi guys,

as I wrote in the german forum also, I do not understand people complaining in a mean way about people
which gave you their hard work for free. Especially the germans (I´m german!! and feel sorry for it)

Instead of posting your changed themes for free, like the presta guys do, many of you charge money
for the fixes or themes.
But you exspect the presta guys to do it for free, this is a mentality I do not agree with.

I give you an example:
I give my US Car to a german as a gift (for free) and this idiot is complaining about the fact, that he has to go
to the TÜV (technical inspection to get permit to drive on german roads) and he is also complaining that I did not
include a creditcard to get free gas at any gasstation in the world.

Just think about it, many of you use Presta to make finally money with it, so it is only fair, that you give a
little back to the presta guys, if not money, than help and appriciation or a simple thank you.
What I try to do with this post.
Best regards

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I tend to agree with jhnstcks

And I also started ignoring forum members who take the trouble to answer a new post but at the same time, answer with something that is not at all helpful, indeed the response can also be almost aggressive on occassion. This does not give a good feeling to someone new, who is learning.

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Yippih thats what I mean you understand me, even if my english is not the very best,
we are all friends, with one target, so instead of hurting and fighting each other,

we go and fight the enemy (right spelling?) who his the code, to get it running the way we want

and even if somebody is not a profesional, he still can bring skills and ideas, so every newcomer, starts at the point
others are allready gone through, but to help him come to the next level.
is the investment in the future of all of us.

Nice talking to you guys
take care

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