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webservice with litespeed and not apache server

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Hello prestashopers,


Sorry for my english.


The topic concerns the webservice that provides Prestashop now and I think it's a good topic for future expansion of our stores because you will surely find it on your way.



1st step

I activated the webservice of prestashop, I made the settings and I can successfully see the results in xml when i calling mystore.com / api.


2nd step(my problem)

According to the official guide of prestashop, you can execute php files that located either in a localhost server, or in internet and get the results on your browser to xml with the necessary condition my Server support curl (which is true for me).




define('DEBUG', false); // Debug mode
define('PS_SHOP_PATH', 'http://mystore.com'); // Root path of your PrestaShop store
define('PS_WS_AUTH_KEY', 'DM0DQ3TDF61KUTCAGLMCBPGSBQ6SX8CL'); // Auth key (Get it in your Back Office)




My problem is that when I call it, it is not show anything and the code is 1000% correct, because when I change the above defines with other sample prestashop keys (apache) plays normally and I am afraid that the server fault of mine, which is litespeed


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