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Friendly URL mod_rewrite

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Just installed to start looking at the new back office layout and to get an idea of how much it has changed.

The first things I did was to set up the parameters and as most of you know there is no Generate .htaccess area as it seems to be automatic.


Next to Friendly URLs I get this message:


URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server. If you want to use Friendly URL you must activate this mod


So I called Ipage and was told that URL Rewiting is active so what gives, not a great start for the new Prestashop.



Here is the URL Rewrite section from my php.ini:



The URL rewriter will look for URLs in a defined set of HTML tags.

; form/fieldset are special; if you include them here, the rewriter will

; add a hidden <input> field with the info which is otherwise appended

; to URLs. If you want XHTML conformity, remove the form entry.

; Note that all valid entries require a "=", even if no value follows.

url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset="

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There is an.htaccess file, I took a look inside it had been populated by Prestashop and had the URL rewrite engine on at the top.

Of course I had it checked inside Prestashop so not sure if this is just a bug or what. :wacko:

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Hi, I have the same error-message with, but only on my live-test-server (linux). On my local test-server (windows, xampp) there is no error-message.


The rewrite-engine is working on both systems - on the live-server, I changed the RewriteBase.

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I have the same message with a hosted server:

URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server. If you want to use Friendly URL you must activate this mod.


I checked "Yes" for Friendly URL and clicked the save button and I got the message: Settings update successful


The message is still there;

URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server. If you want to use Friendly URL you must activate this mod.


The rewrite-engine is working on the server.

Edited by Telesight (see edit history)
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Yes same here URL rewrite seems to be working as all links still work just get the warning message.

As this is not a stable release I really don't want to change core files or start making alterations, was interested in seeing how many others have this same issue.

Also wanted to make others aware that this issue exist and maybe it will be fixed in the public release.

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HI there,


I had a similiar problem and all I had to do was enable the Apache module Rewirte_module. Just because it is set to ALL in the conf file is not enough, make sure the module is loaded as well. If you use WAMP, I have a screen shot to do it in the GUI, or go to the http.conf file. Hope that helps.


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If you are on your localhost and using WAMP (Window ), and I suspect the same for MAMP ( Mac ), you right click on the W, on Wamp, go to Apache > Apache Module > and check that rewrite_module is checked.


If you don't have access to a GUI, then you need to edit the httpd.conf file.

Open that file in a text editor, and search for rewrite_module. In my case, I find this line, where I just need to uncomment it

by removing the leading #


#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so


Close the file, then restart the Apache server. This is how it is on my system, so it may vary. Bottom line is, check that your not only loading the module, but that it is ON, or set to ALL.

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Hi tdr170,


Couldn't hurt to write to you host provider to turn that on. This is a very common request.

Else, update your .htaccess file. Either way, you host provider should be able to tell you what they can allow.

I have been in your shoes before with Wordpress.

Good luck to you.



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Thanks, I actually called them last night and spoke to a tech, he told me that URL rewriting is on and supported.

I have two other Prestashops running (1.4.7) and both have URL rewriting enabled without any issues.

When I enabled it in 1.5 it seems to work just get the warning message.

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If you read my answer you could see I have the same problem. When you install Prestashop it already does a check if these modules are installed.

So nothing is wrong with your server or settings but I have a feeling that this is a small bug in version 1.5

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