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Memcache BO crash

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Im having quite an issue to activate memcache:


Activated the extension with my hosting co

Added de server

Selected memcached as the cache system

Select: Use Cache

Clicked SAVE

When the new page starts loading it crashe: it only shows the top part 'tabs' from the BO but nothing else...


when i reload the BO, it shows the cache system as disabled


any clues? hints?

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  • 1 month later...

I can't explain why this happens, but when I first enabled memcached I was seeing some weird behavior (can't remember what it was). I checked memcached at the command prompt and it was indeed running. Then I found some discussion in this forum (which I can't find now) where it was suggested that you remove localhost as the server. Anyway, I did that and everything *appeared* to run fine. But I was thinking, "maybe not listing a server makes memcached ineffective?". So I typed in my external IP address instead of That worked fine. Lately I thought I would try enabling localhost again just to try it and miraculously it worked fine. So now I have localhost as server 1 and my ip address as the second server. Anyway, again, I don't know why that worked, but you guys might want to try it.


I should also mention, just because your host says you have it, doesn't mean they set it up correctly or that you have enough RAM to run it, or that your server isn't overloaded.

Edited by rturner (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...



I have the same issue on my VPS, 1.5 Gb of free RAM, yet memcache not working (it was installed by my VPS company). I tried setting up both localhost and my server IP as servers, and trying just either one of both, and whatever combination I tried, it caused a 500 server error.


Are there specific parameters that need to be considered for memcache? Maybe my hosting company needs to parameter memcached differently?





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Hi oka,


I just made a test, and neither CPU nor RAM usage changed at all. My CPU is below 5% usually, and RAM at 20%, so I should have plenty enough of resources.


Because neither CPU nor RAM budged, I think my configuration is wrong - probably the server port or something. I used the default one Prestashop suggests, but I think I'll check with tech support from my host. I'll post if changing the port worked.





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Okay, I checked with my Hosting company, and memcache is installed, and set to work with the default ports, yet as soon as I activate memcache, 500 internal server error.


I tried adding no server, or just localhost, or my dedicated IP, no change.


EDIT: and I do not hit CPU or RAM usage limits, so it can't be a server overload.

Edited by Mister Denial (see edit history)
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