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Move products to different category

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Hi all,


Recently I made some adjustments to the categories on my webshop. Added subcategories for better navigation through the catalog. I have moved all products to their new category and removed products from their old category.


The products have moved to their new category but the products that I removed from several categories are still in the category I removed them from. I can't seem to figure out why the products still stay in a category I removed them from.


Does somebody have a solution for this problem?

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Sorry have to ask, when you edit one of those products, in the default category section are you sure that these products are not still checked to be also in this category.

When you say you moved them from one category to the new and removed them from the old was this how you did it.

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No I have made sure that they are not checked to be in a other category. All products are also showing in the 'main' category although I did only 'check' them for 1 category. For example I just made a new product that should only appear in subcategory1.1 the categories are then as followed: maincategory-->subcategory1-->subcategory1.1


So the new product should not appear in maincategory and subcategory1 but only in subcategory1.1. I only checked subcategory1.1 but it is still showing in maincategory and subcategory1 and they are not even checked.

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hello Frank, I had the same problem, I saved my store because I had always a backup of my store without any products.

when you move products from one category to another you must first delete the products from the main category and then put them in new category.this way them will not apear . IF YOU DELETE THE CATEGORY THAT HAVE THE PRODUCTS IN IT IS WRONG!THEY WILL STILL APEAR! you can try it on a new fresh prestashop instal.

So this problem should be solved having a .csv file where you have all your products and your categories .this way you could make import of your categories and your products .when you make the import you must delete products photo from /prestashop/img/p and you must have instal prestashop without any products. you can find CSV. editors free trial 30 days over the web.hope it is usefull this for you.

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