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Problem Exporting Theme

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I was just wondering if anyone else has had problems trying to export a theme using the Import/export a theme module.


Even though I choose a theme, it keeps telling me I have to first select a theme (see image below).


Does anyone else have this problem.




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Thanks for the reponse. I already tried your suggestion. When I do that and then click on Generate this archive now, I receive a page filled with code similiar to this:



@T]& Config.xmlXr6}W|%ʖ/˩kOM&$\��@)��wIŋ��;~H��8],x��K o r~p9=P���Z-­?]��­­?<vq=tk*qW

1��Ի��. +IX_`3




It does not seem to be able to export the the theme........

Edited by lnsnifty (see edit history)
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I also have such problem with theme export. Waiting for the reply from prestashop team.



Thanks for the reponse. I already tried your suggestion. When I do that and then click on Generate this archive now, I receive a page filled with code similiar to this:



@T]& Config.xmlXr6}W|%ʖ/˩kOM&$\��@)��wIŋ��;~H��8],x��K o r~p9=P���Z-­?]��­­?<vq=tk*qW

1��Ի��. +IX_`3




It does not seem to be able to export the the theme........

Edited by Marek Mnishek (see edit history)
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According to this post, it seems like the problem was solved.




It refers to the following address to view the necessary changes made to themeinstallator.php




However this page is not accessible to view the changes. I downloaded the changes in the themeinstallator.php available in the svn 1.5 version and it does not fix the problem.


Was anyone else able to access the above link? If so could you post the changes made.



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