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admin panel disable modules on the right

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I successfully installed prestashop 1.4.8. The admin panel shows 4 modules/blocks with text called "Pour bien commencer...", "Discover prestashop", "News de prestashop" et "Conseil du jour / box tips".


Could You please tell me how I could disable this modules ?



Or a second question optionnaly : For the product manager, I disabled some of the categories to keep his work simple. But if I disable the homepage of the admin panel, a message appears "access not allowed". After login, how might the administrator directly arrive to the product management page ? Can I redirect the login page ? How to do ?


Thanks !



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Hi Susanne,


There is a workaround. Under your admin folder find the index.php file, then find the below lines (should be around lines 36-37)


$tab = 'AdminHome';
$_POST['tab'] = 'AdminHome';


and change those lines as below:


$tab = 'AdminCatalog';
$_POST['tab'] = 'AdminCatalog';


If you set the permission of your employees to see the catalog tab for product management, then they will be directed to the catalog page directly instead of the home tab.




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  • 4 weeks later...

The workaround is interesting, but I'd like to let employees login and reach the home tab, because some features of this tab are useful for an overview of the store' status. I would just like to know how to disable the three modules on the right, because I don't want to let employees deal with system settings (I've set a "StoreMaster" profile which allows employees to manage everything in the store but the vital system settings, which are available instead to the "administrator" level users only).


Is there a way to disable the three modules on the right in the backoffice home page for non-administrator employees?


How could it be possible that Prestashop's programmers didn't take this issue into account? Store management is a very important, fundamental matter, at least as important as the multi-user and multi-userlevel concepts in modern informatics...

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