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Your shopping cart is empty?!

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Hello Prestashoppers


If I want to place item in the cart I get the message that there are no products in the store wagon. I've never had this problem.


I have the shop again geintsalleerd with a new database, first it seemed this to work but after a few steps I get this message over and over again, only when I use the browser history clear, does the wink country several times, then I have the same message again get to see.


problem browsers


-Google Chrome




-Internet Explorer


I tried this on several computers but get the same error everywhere.

The strange thing is that I have several shops on PrestaShop and they do work here properly.


I have watched the forum for answers, see that several people are affected, but no correct answer to this problem.


I use prestashop

The shopname is http://alturl.com/s9k4y


Do someone has a solution for this problem ..

or can someone help me with this..


Thank you! Jack

Edited by Jack00 (see edit history)
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Hello Shacker,


Thats strange i see your order confirmation, but i'm now on a other pc in a other town, and stil i get the same error??


Update: When i go to ''Customers'' in the backoffice and then to ''shopping carts''???



What kind of browser you worked with?






Edited by Jack00 (see edit history)
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