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[SOLVED] Authorize.net v.1.3 with PS Not working

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I really need help! I have spoken with Prestashop Tech support and they are baffled. I cannot get Authorize.net to work with the latest version

Here is the error message I am getting:


Not Found


The requested URL /validation.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache Server at www.thelegaltree.com Port 443

I have my correct login id and key for my merchant account, and I have my merchant account on test. I have toggled back and for changing the PS module to Production and Test...neither one work... Can anyone help me? Thank you in advance!

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ok...I changed to production on both....still same error message. :( I really do appreciate you working with me on this! Thank you!


Can you please post a screenshot of the error, and of your configuration of the Authorize.net module in your Back Office? Feel free to black out the private information such as credentials.



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Chad, give me a shout when you get a chance. I bounced a couple transactions off of your auth account so I think the problem is the way that Prestashop has written the form for the plugin. They are trying to access validation.php from the site root and not the module folder. When I get on my actual pc in a few minutes I will post a fixed file that should get you working.

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Chad, I actually forgot that you created me an account in the backend. I just went ahead and installed the module and it should be working right. You might turn on your test mode in your auth account and and in the module and try a couple test payments. But everything should be working right. You might have to hand type your auth key and api login back in because I just copy and pasted them. Sometimes doing that they pick up extra characters and won't work.


Mike, the problem with the module that ships with is on the line 33 in the authorizeaim.tpl it has

<form name="authorizeaim_form" id="authorizeaim_form" action="{$new_base_dir}validation.php" method="post">

and it needs to read

<form name="authorizeaim_form" id="authorizeaim_form" action="{$module_dir}validation.php" method="post">


When it was giving a file not found error on the validation.php file it was looking for it in the site root, not the modules folder.

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Thanks for the help DesignHaus! I will definitely pass this along to our development team. Chad, can you please provide me with a link to the report you created? I would like to add this information to it so that the assigned developer can explore implementing DesignHaus' fix.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi DesignHaus. I'm having the exact same problem Chad had with the exact same versions of PS and Authorize.net module. I installed your Authorize.net module in the zip file in this ticket. I notice that the variable being used in authorizeaim.ptl is already '$module_dir'



however, when i get the 404 error like Chad got, the URL has this



not store/modules/validation.php


Can you help?




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