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[solved] PS Bank Wire Payment Module

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dear All


the following image is the standard bank wire template:



can u pls advise me where can i access to change the font colors & description of the standard template without affecting the functionality of the bank wire module?


appreciate your early reply.



Edited by jassy (see edit history)
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this template is here.

modules/ bankwire / payment_return.tpl

you can add new style for html element. add span element to text and add style option .


{l s='Please send us a bank wire with:' mod='bankwire'}

chance to

<span style = "color:blue">{l s='Please send us a bank wire with:' mod='bankwire'}</span>



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dear Mr Safa,

thx for this piece of great advice.

i you hv the time, pls do assist me on my topic "free shipping for one carrier only":



many people seeking for solution but no one replied.



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dear Mr Safa,

how come i hv edited the description code in modules/ bankwire / payment_return.tpl as per your advise & hv too made save changes, but the changes were not updated in my online website?

can u pls give some guidance on this?



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