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[SOLVED] Import from oscommerce (categories, images, stock)

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my first intervention is to kindly ask support from those who already completed an import from oscommerce to prestashop. I got some issues, while doing tests locally, because the oscimport module seems to have difficulties with categories, images and stock.

The stranger issue is that it doesn't get categories, tried many times, no error messages during test import and during import, but no categories imported. Has anyone experienced the same?


Then i have something else i got to sort out, it's because on my running oscommerce website i have a contribution for extra images and one for attributes stock (QTPro), so when i do the import i don't get the extra images (that are stored by the contribution) and i don't get attributes stock (i get the attributes, but 0 stock). My question is where should i edit the oscimporter to get those data? At least, i'd like to know the name of the tables involved for images and attributes stock in prestashop, so that i can transfer the data and adapt it.


Thanks in advance for any help


Beppe D.

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By the way, i also experienced a problem with products description where there are special characters like "è" so that description import stops when it encounters that. Is there a fast way to get all the text imported?

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It's sad no help is availailable.. maybe no one ever experienced the same problems?

Anyway i already fixed the import for extra images import and for categories too.


Still have to check how to import the attributes stock

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