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[Issue] Tell a friend module

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The Tell a friend module is breaking law in several Eurpean country's, one of the is The Netherlands.
The way the module is working at the moment is:

When a visitor looks at a product he/she then can send an invitation to look at this product from that product page.
He/she only has to put in the name and e-mail adres and voila!

In most country's in Europe it should be like this:

He/she that wants to use the Tell a friend module should put his name and his e-mail adres in also.
So the reciever knows who send him the invitation to look at a product in the shop.
The other way could be that someone needs to create an account first and logs in before the Tell a friend module shows up on the product page.
Never the less, there should be a name and e-mail adres visible to the reciever from who the invitation comes.

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