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removing $ next to quantity on shopping cart header

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??? i do not think that's the answer....i need to hide the $ sign and price... i notice when i see the code ..this all is under


<ul id="header_nav">

<li id="shopping_cart">

<a href="http://mysite.com/order-opc.php" title="Your Shopping Cart">Cart:</a>

<span class="ajax_cart_quantity hidden" style="display: inline; ">1</span>

<span class="ajax_cart_product_txt hidden" style="display: inline; ">product</span>

<span class="ajax_cart_product_txt_s hidden" style="display: none; ">products</span>

<span class="ajax_cart_total hidden" style="display: inline; ">$1.00</span>

<span class="ajax_cart_no_product" style="display: none; ">(empty)</span>


<li id="your_account"><a href="http://oecliterature.com.temppublish.com/my-account.php" title="Your Account">Your Account</a></li>



yes the cart block...i just want to hide it...where is it?

Edited by miradoro (see edit history)
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Hi miradoro,

I looked into this with a couple members of the PrestaShop team, but this would require some pretty complex PHP editing in order to remove it just from that one spot, as the price and currency sign are currently pulled from the same Smarty variable as a single value.



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Ah Ok, well a possible soloution would be to hardocde the "Your Account" link and then in the admin you can tell the module to show on each page apart from the index.


Hardcoding the link however would then require you to either remove that from the module or run a show hide or if statment on it.

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