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[SOLVED] shipping carrier stopped working

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Since upgrading, one of my shipping carriers is considered "out of range" for products that would normally be within range. Therefore, the only shipping option available is the most expensive one.


Would anyone be able to help troubleshoot? I checked, and all my ranges are fine, nothing disappeared as far as I can tell.


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I use 3 different shipping methods from the same carrier. Each have their own weight ranges, and price ranges. All the weight ranges, allowed countries, etc are correct. However, the default one is "out of range" and doesn't show up. The other actually is out of range, so it shouldn't show up. The one that DOES show up is in range, and showing the correct price.

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I use 3 different shipping methods from the same carrier. Each have their own weight ranges, and price ranges. All the weight ranges, allowed countries, etc are correct. However, the default one is "out of range" and doesn't show up. The other actually is out of range, so it shouldn't show up. The one that DOES show up is in range, and showing the correct price.


Yes, but can you please answer the questions I posted above? Otherwise, there's really no way for us to try to look into this for you.



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I went from to


Here is my weight range for the one that doesn't show up (it's the default)




This one DOES show up (not default)




Here is the one that doesn't show up, and shouldn't (since the range starts at 1 kg)



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Can you please provide me with a testing IP? I don't want to make my site public the way it is right now


Thanks for your help!


Hi lowlight,

I apologize, but I cannot provide you with my IP here. Can you at least post a screenshot of the product? A screenshot of the product's configuration in the Back Office would be great as well.



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Yes, it's all manual. There is no module or web service for this carrier, and that is fine.


It seems to work when I add 3 products at least, so it seems my weight tables got screwed up somehow. I guess I'll start from scratch and recreate the carrier all over again

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It seems to work when I add 3 products at least, so it seems my weight tables got screwed up somehow. I guess I'll start from scratch and recreate the carrier all over again


Yes, I would definitely recommend that considering the large differences between and, both in the Back Office and the database.


Let me know how that goes!



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That seems a bit absurd though, all the data is there, it is just ignoring some of it for some reason. Maybe this is a bug worth looking into or something?


I personally do not believe it is a bug, but if you think it may be, I would encourage you to post it here so that our development team can look into it.



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Created a new carrier, switched the weight classes over, still won't load.


I also notice that when the weight goes over the FIRST weight range of the one that does work, it no longer works. In other words, it goes from 0 to 0.5 kg. If there is 0.6 kg of product, it is now out of range, and no shipping options are available.


But then when I add 11 items of that product, bringing the weight to 1.1 kg, that option becomes available. It skips an entire weight class for one shipping type, and skips an entire range of weight classes for the other type.

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I think I might have figured it out.


Before, I would have ranges like:


0 - 1 (assuming everything up to 1 kg)

1.0001 - 1.5 (anything OVER 1 kg, up to 1.5 kg)


And so on.


The new version doesn't count the second number. So by adding an increment of a tenth of a gram, it breaks the whole thing.


It needs to be:


0 - 1

1 - 1.5


And so on.


I'm pretty sure this will fix it.

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