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free shipping for one carrier only

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dear All

actually this is a repeated discussion. but due to the original discussion took place 3yrs ago, the tips are no longer applicable to me.

here's the former forum link solution provided by Ion_cannon:



despite 3yrs already, i noticed prestashop still has not decided to include this feature, the present version im using ( still has the free shipping feature (whether by weight or by price) implemented to all carriers.


here's the php code for my version:


classes/Cart.php find //Free fees:


// free fees

$free_fees_price = 0;

if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']))

$free_fees_price = Tools::convertPrice((float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']), Currency::getCurrencyInstance((int)($this->id_currency)));

$orderTotalwithDiscounts = $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING);

if ($orderTotalwithDiscounts >= (float)($free_fees_price) AND (float)($free_fees_price) > 0)

return $shipping_cost;

if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) AND $this->getTotalWeight() >= (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) AND (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) > 0)

return $shipping_cost;



i hv 2 carriers now, 1) carrier in local country (carrier ID: 37) & 2) carrier to my neighbour country (carrier ID: 36)

could anyone pls advise me how to configure free shipping for 1) carrier in local country (carrier ID: 37) & no free shippingapplicable to 2) carrier to my neighbour country (carrier ID: 36).


then in the event i hv more carriers for countries that has no free shipping, what do i do as well?


highly appreciate some assistance here.



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dear mr bellini

probably we hadnt understand each other.

i hv 2 carriers now, 1) carrier in local country (carrier ID: 37) & 2) carrier to my neighbour country (carrier ID: 36)

pls advise me how to configure :

A) freeshipping for carrier in local country (carrier ID: 37) (this i already knew how to configure, the condition is different weight ranges has different shipping fee & in the event if the shopping cart costs more than let's say $50, i hv set shipping fee free to customer.)

B) what i didnt want is to give is freeshipping to the 2nd carrier which is to my neighbour country (carrier ID: 36) (i hv already set different shipping fee for different weight, unfortunately prestashop freeshipping for shopping above $50 is a common feature & thus the condiction from item A also applied to item B. i didnt want this.

pls advise how can i resolve item b's condition of no freeshipping.




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so you are trying to configure your site to determine shipping cost based on weight, unless the order is over $50, in which case the order should be free, but just for your local country carrier?


If that is the case, you cannot do it without a customer carrier module, unless you change to use price ranges.

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dear mr bellini

i think we hv misunderstanding again in due to my english, speeling error & the emoticons that appear by itself.


i hv 2 carriers now, 1) carrier in local country (carrier ID: 37) & 2) carrier to my neighbour country (carrier ID: 36)

pls advise me how to configure :


a. freeshippingfor carrier in local country (carrier ID: 37) (this i already knew how to configure, the condition is different weight ranges has different shipping fee & in the event if the shopping cart costs more than let's say $50, i hv set shipping fee free to customer.) NO ISSUE ON THIS ITEM!


b. what i didnt want is to give is freeshipping to the 2nd carrier which is to my neighbour country (carrier ID: 36) (i hv already set different shipping fee for different weight, unfortunately prestashop freeshipping for shopping above $50 is a common feature & thus the condition from item a. also applied to item b. i didnt want the free shipping condition to be common to 1st & 2nd carrier.


pls advise how can i resolve item b's condition of no freeshipping. appreciate your patience in understanding my english.

appreciate that.




Edited by jassy (see edit history)
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dear mr bellini & can anyone else pls help....desperately needed help.....im just so close to few more steps to launch my store....but i couldnt if i cant get the shipping conditions straight...

pls help...

highly appreciate that....



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dear mr bellini

i hv tried reading your advise over & over again. but i still couldnt comprehend.

may be if you could be patience enough to identify what to configure for carrier ID 37 (my local country with weight range, free shipping after hit >$50) & carrier ID 36 (neighbour country with weight range, no free shipping).

highly appreciate that.



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  • 6 months later...

Hi Jassy


I have same problem as you have. i want shipping charge applicable based on weight but only upto 15 EURO after !5 EURO shipping is free and all other country i am charging based on weight Range.


to solve this i add following line in classes/Cart.php inside function getPackageShippingCost

replace line

if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE'])) with below lline

if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']) && $default_country->iso_code== 'NL')


i want to do this only for Netherlands(NL) so i used ISO code NL you can use based on your requirment




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