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Missing Country and State field when updating address

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I am really disappointed that I am unable to find any solution to the following problem:


When customer tries to add new address after registration or update an address, the website dispalys FATAL ERROR.




Please guide me how to fix this, it is costing my business a lot.






Edited by gurjit (see edit history)
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i was just doing a fast check and apparently upon the submit i got directed to a page with the fatal error as mentioned.


try look into your address.tpl file and see if you should have this, just in case you have made some changes there.


<a class="button" href="{$link->getPageLink('addresses.php', true)}" title="{l s='Previous'}">« {l s='Previous'}</a>

<input type="submit" name="submitAddress" id="submitAddress" value="{l s='Save'}" class="button" />



and also see if you have changed the Preferences> SEO & URL , check your friendly URL link correctly.


if you have addresses.php to addresses and not address


Hope it helps

Edited by halennoor (see edit history)
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i was just doing a fast check and apparently upon the submit i got directed to a page with the fatal error as mentioned. try look into your address.tpl file and see if you should have this, just in case you have made some changes there. « {l s='Previous'} and also see if you have changed the Preferences> SEO & URL , check your friendly URL link correctly. if you have addresses.php to addresses and not address Hope it helps




I tried to change the tpl but still does not work


I attached address tpl code and seo screen short.



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Force Compile is set to No and Cache to Yes. Should it be other way around?


Also http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFI-2784


Look at the bottom of above link, similar problem but I am unablr to understood what to do





Just for developing/debugging:

Preferences>performance > Force compile > yes Cache> No.



When you are done you can turn it to Force Compile>no and cache> Yes

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you should do like this:


1) go to - shipping - countries options - set your country - Restrict countries in FO by those delivered by active carriers - check ;

2) from the same pannel select your country - enable - edit - uncheck Contains following states;




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Thanks !! Followed above instruction


Now the error mesage we receive upon saving is "INVALID TOKEN". This message is when we select country as AUSTRALIA.


However when no country is selected it still gives "fatal error"


Further guidance required




you should do like this:


1) go to - shipping - countries options - set your country - Restrict countries in FO by those delivered by active carriers - check ;

2) from the same pannel select your country - enable - edit - uncheck Contains following states;





Thanks !! Followed above instruction


Now the error mesage we receive upon saving is "INVALID TOKEN". This message is when we select country as AUSTRALIA.


However when no country is selected it still gives "fatal error"


Further guidance required



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This solved this issue for me - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/174926-creating-a-new-account-address-country-drop-down-is-empty-causing-error-message/


Hi rachel,

In your Back Office, please go to Shipping > Countries and select the UK. There, please check if Country:name is listed under "Address Format." If not, that is likely the cause of your error.




I hope this helps.



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