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Would this be possible at all?? Make prices alpha-numeric?

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Is it possible to change the parameters for the product price to include letters(A-Za-z)?

The reason I ask is that we have some products that we sell regularly that fluctuate in price depending on outside factors (like the price of steel, for example, effecting the price of a steel tubing 2 wheel hand cart). I would like to be able to add "Call for Pricing" in place of a dollar amount.

Can this be done? Is it as simple as changing a regular expression or does it go deeper than that?

I could really use some help on this, if anyone knows.


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I'm not if there's a way from prestashop (highly doubt it though).

Would you also want to disable the "add to cart" option for those items?

I think your best and easiest solution would be to decide on a unique price for those items (lets say 0.01).
In the tpl files, check to see if the price is 0.01, in which case pribt out "Call For Pricing" instead of the price.

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I had thought of the idea to have the program return "Call for Pricing" if the price was 0.00. But I didn't think it through. Using a unique price entry to return that does seem the way to go. I may also look into having that code disable the add to cart button at the same time. I appreciate the help.


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