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[Solved] CloudCache Module Configure error

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I'm trying to use the CloudCache module however I get the following error when I try to configure it.


Fatal error

: Smarty error: [in /modules/cloudcache/views/content2.tpl line 42]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: $confirmMessage['class'] (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 446) in


on line



I searched and found no solution on the bug tracker, on the forums I found someone say its due to the tools.php in override/classes so I deleted it, yet no change.


Can anyone please help me configure this module?



Edited by peanut (see edit history)
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Hi peanut,

The CloudCache module you are using is not compatible with Smarty 2. However, this morning we published an updated version on the Addons store, so you can either download the new version to replace your current one or switch to Smarty 3.


I hope this helps.



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