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[SOLVED] Change number of items in "same category" module

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is there a way to limit the number of displayed items in the default "same category" module that comes with PS 1.4?


Having categories with many items creates a considerable number of links on the page, which according to Google Webmaster tools is a no-no.


Any ideas or recommendations?


Your help is much appreciated.





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Hi Dan,

In your modules/productscategory/productscategory.php, change the value from 100 to whatever you would prefer in this line:


$categoryProducts = $category->getProducts((int)($cookie->id_lang), 1, 100); /* 100 products max. */


Please let me know if that works for you.



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Hi Mike,


thanks for your incredibly fast reply, I'll give it a try.


Do you happen to know how the items are selected, i.e. by date added, alphabetically, etc... ?






I don't know that off the top of my head, but give my suggestion a try and let me know if that works for you!



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Hi Mike,


this works perfectly, BUT I still have a question: is it possible to make it so it sorts by the newest items first from the same category only?


Like for example, limit this module to show the 5 latest items from the same category?


Currently it looks like it shows the items chronologically, as added.


Thanks again for your help!



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Hi Mike,


this works perfectly, BUT I still have a question: is it possible to make it so it sorts by the newest items first from the same category only?


Like for example, limit this module to show the 5 latest items from the same category?


Currently it looks like it shows the items chronologically, as added.


Thanks again for your help!




Hi Dan,

It's certainly possible, I just couldn't give you a code suggestion off the top of my head. Since that is a separate topic from this one, I'm going to go ahead and mark this as solved per the rules of the PrestaShop forums, but please feel free to create a new thread to get help on that question as well.


Happy selling!



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