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1.5RC is up and now what?

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Hello Presta world!


I'm new here and I'm looking for a new system for my Zencart shop. I found Presta by accident and I really loved all the features and things I miss with Zencart now (quantities by attributes, multistores and so on, and so on...)


I installed the last 1.5 beta before 1.5RC and I'm tweaking it now and exploring all the features and so on. It's very different from Zencart though. But it's manageable, very well structured, with very good basic sales statistics and so on.


I like the basic 1.5 theme also it's slick and nice looking (of course it's a matter of personal taste because I was thinking of silver-ish theme to be next one when I change the system of the site), full of effects and features. IT'S USABLE (I can't say that for many others default themplates).


I have to install a fresh copy of the RC and see what's going on there also - this weekend I'll be doing this.


But in the release I'm using I noticed a small trouble (I wouldn't call it problem or bug because I'm too young Prestarian and I'm not sure if I do everything right).


I added Bulgarian language to test it out and I made it default language also. I know it's not competed so added few lines of translation also. And here I saw 'the trouble' - when I switched to BG in frontend nothing happened except all the categories products disappeared. After few days I logged on again in the backend and I finally found out how to add names/descriptions/etc for different languages (by clicking on the flag near the input field - If this can be fixed in latter versions of 1.5 it would be great -something like input field for default language and "+" near it if other languages are installed to show all other langage fields at once - it would consume large amount of space on the page but it would be MUCH MUCH faster for inputing new cat/products). I worked this one by myself (I'm so clever, I know! :rolleyes: )...


But this I couldn't - how to change the names of the sideboxes (it's called that way in Zencart, don't know how you call it here) - let's say - Categories, Manufacturers, Supliers, New Products, etc.? Is this theme related and I need to edit some files or it can be done in the backend? And where I can disable some of them so they're not showing - I want to use only those I need.


Also the top horizontal menu is gone for good when I use Bulgarian - it's not big pain in the .... because I don't plan to use it but It would be great to know to fix everything by miself.


Here's my test installation - http://www.rampagehockey.eu/presta/


Also - I'm willing to help translating 1.5 in Bulgarian - who I must contact?


Best regards

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Hi Rampage,

First of all, welcome to PrestaShop! I will try to address your questions and concerns below:


I added Bulgarian language to test it out and I made it default language also. I know it's not competed so added few lines of translation also. And here I saw 'the trouble' - when I switched to BG in frontend nothing happened except all the categories products disappeared. After few days I logged on again in the backend and I finally found out how to add names/descriptions/etc for different languages (by clicking on the flag near the input field - If this can be fixed in latter versions of 1.5 it would be great -something like input field for default language and "+" near it if other languages are installed to show all other langage fields at once - it would consume large amount of space on the page but it would be MUCH MUCH faster for inputing new cat/products). I worked this one by myself (I'm so clever, I know! :rolleyes: )...


Unfortunately, it is not likely that we will change this functionality, but you're more than welcome to suggest it as an Improvement to send to our development team here, and they will look into it.


But this I couldn't - how to change the names of the sideboxes (it's called that way in Zencart, don't know how you call it here) - let's say - Categories, Manufacturers, Supliers, New Products, etc.? Is this theme related and I need to edit some files or it can be done in the backend? And where I can disable some of them so they're not showing - I want to use only those I need.


You can change all of these various terms and phrases in your Back Office under Localization > Translations. Just select the proper area (for example, "Installed Module Translations' for "Manufacturers") and then click the flag of the language for which you would like to have this changed.


Then, just search for the proper text and change it in the associated field, and check to see if that did it for you.


Also the top horizontal menu is gone for good when I use Bulgarian - it's not big pain in the .... because I don't plan to use it but It would be great to know to fix everything by miself.


In your Back Office, please go to the Modules section and select "Configure" for the Top Horizontal Menu. Just as it happened above, you'll need to use the various flags to set it up and have it appear for each language.


Also - I'm willing to help translating 1.5 in Bulgarian - who I must contact?


Go ahead and post your offer here. We are currently gathering volunteers there as we work on launching our new community translations page.



I hope this all helps!



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Hi Rampage,

First of all, welcome to PrestaShop! I will try to address your questions and concerns below:




Unfortunately, it is not likely that we will change this functionality, but you're more than welcome to suggest it as an Improvement to send to our development team here, and they will look into it.




You can change all of these various terms and phrases in your Back Office under Localization > Translations. Just select the proper area (for example, "Installed Module Translations' for "Manufacturers") and then click the flag of the language for which you would like to have this changed.


Then, just search for the proper text and change it in the associated field, and check to see if that did it for you.




In your Back Office, please go to the Modules section and select "Configure" for the Top Horizontal Menu. Just as it happened above, you'll need to use the various flags to set it up and have it appear for each language.




Go ahead and post your offer here. We are currently gathering volunteers there as we work on launching our new community translations page.



I hope this all helps!



Thank you @Mike for the quick response!


I knew my questions are stupid but not that stupid... I'll test the translations part after a while because now it gives me error (my max_input_vars is set to 1000).


Also is there 'an easy' way to migrate from other systems (in my case - ZenCart) to Presta - I'm talking of simplified migration - customers and emails only so they can reset their passwords and manually add everything else (addresses, profile data, etc.). And if there's no solution for this how I can do this editing the table manually for every customer.

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Hi Rampage,

That error is due to limits set by your hosting provider. You'll want to either ask them to increase that value for you or do the translations manually in your site's /translations directory.


As for migrating from Zencart, I personally would recommend looking into this service.


I hope this helps.



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Yes I asked my hosting provider to rise it and they did, not I'm able to display and edit those fields. And for the migration I would like to do it myself with tested open source/paid app. I would not like to give access to my production db/ftp to anybody...


If your server still can't handle the translations, then I would recommend that you do it manually in the directory I mentioned above instead.


In terms of the migration from ZenCart to PrestaShop, you may want to check these two threads for a few suggestions:





I hope this helps.



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