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How to have seperate stores for US and Canada

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HI Everyone!


Is there a way to manage one store with two different countries that displays products / prices / shipping available for one country and different ones for another country or do we need to have two seperate installs / subdomains for that?


We want to keep canadian suppliers in canada for canadian customers and same with USA for US customers.



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Hi scrapbookingroom,

Just in the last hour, we released the RC version of PrestaShop version 1.5, which offers Multistore functionality. This cannot be put live until the subsequent release, but you can now officially download this version and start developing with it!


Learn more here.


I hope this helps!



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We had this prolem two years ago. One stock, multiple countries, multiple languages, different currencies, different prices, different payment methods, different delivery types etc. Our solution: we started different shops for every country and developed a shopsync module which syncronizes product quantities on all of them. It doesn't matter on which shop product was sold or stock increased, shopsync changes product quantities on the fly. There is only one disadvantage. Orders are not in one place. :) But it's just a matter of tab switching in a browser.

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