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[SOLVED] Matrice Theme - Products don't appear

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I've just installed Matrice and I am currently customizing it.

I've created some test products but they don't appear on center-right module of the website (it is fully blank); they only appear on the bottom of the website, in "Nouveaux Produits" (new products).



What am I doing wrong?


Thank you.

Edited by CosmoHack (see edit history)
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Hello, I'm building it in local so all I can upload is a picture of it.


The example product is under "Novedades".




Thank you.


As dagnez posted above, please add those products to the Home category in addition to any other categories where they are listed, and that should resolve this for you.


I hope this helps.



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I believe you need to add some products to 'home' category.

This space on homepage is connected with module 'featured products' - find it in modules and have a look at configuration.



I've tried to add products to the home category, but happens the same.


I'll have a look to "featured products".


Thank you.

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Please make sure you've turned on Force Compile and turned off Cache in your Back Office under Preferences > Performance as well.



Done, nothing happens.


I've checked "featured products". It was disabled so I enabled it, configured it and added some products to the "home" category so they appear in featured products but, again, nothing happens.

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Can you please try switching from Matrice to the default PrestaShop theme and let me know if the issue persists?



It persists.


Useful info: I did install Prestashop with a blank setup, not with all the modules. I did it to let Matrice install only what it needs and to select the modules I'll be really using. Anyways, I think that all the "basic" modules are installed.

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In this situation, I would suggest that you contact the developer of the Matrice theme directly, as I believe he is usually pretty approachable when it comes to these sorts of issues. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a simple configuration error, but he would know better than anyone else what to look for and how to fix it.



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Thank you for the answer.


As this issue happened also with the original Prestashop Theme, I didn't think it was an issue with Matrice but with Prestashop.

So finally, it has been solved by restarting the Featured Products module.


What an easy thing...

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