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What is "Automatically redirect to Canonical url"

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Hi iAsked,


To sum it up, it is to prevent you from having duplicate urls.


It is used for SEO, to be sure that every product that you have can only be accessed via one url.



I understand the mean of this option. But I don't know how to it work.


With a module Canonical url, when I access the url domain.com/category.php?id_category=3&orderby=price&orderway=asc, it will create Canonical url like domain.com/domain.com/category.php?id_category=3. But with this option, I can't see it at header or head tag :( Do I need install a Canonical url module?



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The post is pretty old but....


This option is to prevent your site from being accessed by two different URLs eg


Your default URL

domain.com / category.php? id_category = 3 & orderby = price & orderway = asca


variation of URL



Site being accessed by IP

192.123.04/category.php? Id_category = 3 & orderby = price & orderway = asc


With the option "Automatically redirect to Canonical url" if you go to 2nd or 3th URL, prestashop will show a warning that the address was moved and so on, and also shows a link to your default URL.


These days, i was trying to make a mini intranet and tried accessing the prestashop over the lan, which was redirecting web requests to "localhost", have disabled the option and everything worked normally.




Edited by mexicanox (see edit history)
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