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HTML code in translation string

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Hi, I'd like to enclose a word of a translated string between strong tags, but the tags are printed as is on the frontend, I suppose htmlspecialchars() is used for the output. So I guess there is no way to insert html code in a translation text?

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In prestashop 1.5


Modify the file : /controllers/admin/AdminTranslationsController.php


Replace the following line (line 814)

$str_write .= '$_MODULE['.$pattern.'] = \''.pSQL(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', $_POST[$post_key])).'\';'."\n";




$str_write .= '$_MODULE['.$pattern.'] = \''.pSQL(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', $_POST[$post_key]), true).'\';'."\n";


Adding "true" to the pSQL function.


Hope it help.

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Do not modify anything, that is a really bad idea, and a bad solution.


Simply don't use any <tags> in a translation function, just the text on the inside.



{l s='Some text'} <strong>{l s='Some text in BOLD'}</stong> {l s='some more text....'}

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Hi Tomerrg3, I undestand what you mean but is not realy useful. Every time we want to add/modify some <tags> we have to change the template file and some times the administartor/editor have no knowledge or basic knowledge about development. It's why I prefer let them adding <tags> from the backoffice.


I don't know if it's already possible to have a tinyMCE in a translation page but will be very useful.

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if you are going to go about it then try css and not html, your .tpl that can be modified from your translation, for example: This would be inserted in your .tpl file. Now from the back office you can by language modify your class some-text


  <div class=\"some-text\" style=\"
 {l s='font-family: inherit;'}
 {l s='margin-top: 20px;'}
 {l s='margin-right: 10px;'}
 {l s='margin-bottom: 0px;'}
 {l s='margin-left: 0px;'}
 {l s='line-height: 1;'}
 {l s='float: left;'}
 {l s='z-index: 1;'}\">


then your back office translation look's like this, (which you can now easily modify).




Edited by elpatron (see edit history)
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