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XML Feed to Fulfillment center

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I am working with a fulfillment center and trying to find a way so that they can get XML feed of my orders. I was provided below info from the center any one can help on how to integrate it to my cart.



XML Post Process


There are 3 additional documents for this process:


1. XML Directions.txt – This shows you how to format the XML file to post.

2. XML-Sample.txt – This is a sample that has successfully posted.

3. Valid_country_code.txt – These are the valid Country codes to pass in the XML file – use A3



Here is where you will send the XML Post to:




Each company will have their own unique Company ID, API Key provided


The miscID is you order id and must be unique for each order in a company. This id will only be imported

1 time.


For testing purposes:

Company ID – 615

API Key – asdf


XML Directions.txt


Edited by meccabooks (see edit history)
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I actually have the same situation with my current project. I was thinking of adding a custom hook when an order is completed. Then some module or override code that would post XML to the fulfillment center. In my case it would be another API link not a fulfillment center.


I hope that gives you a starting point.

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