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[solved] Is multistore pulled from the 1.5 release ?

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I've been playing around with the beta ( and there multistore worked fine (relatively).

Today though i pulled the latest SVN-version, and there it seems that the multistore feature has been removed?


Is this an intentional step, are you pulling this feature from 1.5 to get it ready for launch?

I would appreaciate a comment from the Prestashop team as we're depending on this feature for an upcomming project. I would *hate* to have to go Magento

Edited by Carl Favre (see edit history)
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Take a look in preferences/general, multishop is maybe disabled.

Once you have enabled it you should see a new “multishop” menu in advanced parameters.


That was it! Thanks a lot Carl, you just made my day! The fact that those two things (disabled by default, and moved menu-point) had changed since the beta-release in march had me seriously confused :D

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