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[SOLVED] All Modules Disappeared - How do you recover them?

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Hi, Have the version just before the available upgrade. I went to disable one module... and ALL my modules disappeared... and the Positions did as well. Are they gone, gone? Is there a way to recover them? I have done a TON of customization on the theme I was using (Velvet Sky) and I don't want to rehash through it all if I don't have to... site is mysocialmediatogo.com FYI


Please Advise.



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what module did you disable? then maybe we could search for simlar problem.


modules are called when click enable/disable/un-install/configure..they can have their own functions to handle these events.


to determine the error change your config/config.inc.php to display errors.a


then navigate to your modules, you should see a php error message.

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