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If you design your template around being used on a mobile device it should work fine. I have tested a few of my shops on mobile devices and they work just fine. If you are good with css you can achieve a different look on a mobile device using media queries.

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Thank you for the reply dh.


Unfortunately, I dont have a mobile device.. I do use a FF plugin which lets me switch user agents and from a clean install I just did it doesnt appear that PS does anything with those as I changed to android and it didnt do anything with the default theme.


Anyone have any comments as to how the default theme works and looks on various mobile devices?


Also, what is the deal with the mobile app and how does that work?



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The default template renders fine in android and safari mobile. You should try to pick up a few devices on the cheap if you can. The mobile ap from the best of my understanding just repackages your web site in an app. From what I remember it does cost a few thousand dollars minimum. As a developer you would be better off using phone gap or something similar if you are just looking for a mobile solution. Mike at one point posted a mobile app they created. It was nice, but at the same time I don't understand why people would want a mobile app to shop at a store. I just like buying from my browser.

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I was blown away by phone gap.. Ive never seen it before.. watched the "what is it" vid..and was wow'd.. then at the bottom I saw..

"Nitobi has been acquired by Adobe." As soon as they leave beta it will be a cash monster.. damn shame.


Appreciate the insights. +liked.

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