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one page checkout identification bug

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I'm experiencing a front office solid indentification bug when the "one page checkout" mode is selected in as the order process type.

When a customer that is already registered comes to the identification zone, and fills his email adress and password, it comes to an identification error message.

Even if selecting "forgotten password" and entering the valid password received by email, it leads to the same error message.

If I change to 5 steps process, the same registered user can register without error message.

But I prefer the one page checkout method for many reasons.

I have just to add that with the "one page check out" mode selected, the customer identification leads to an error message in the order process, but if he makes the indentification process on the home page with the same datas, it works fine.

This leads to show that it really is a bug from the one page checkout mode

Anybody here has met and solved this problem ?

The concerned website is www.vincimusic.net. If somebody registers than turns back to identify, you will see the bug.

Thanks for your help


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