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Internal Server Error 500 on checkout page

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  • 2 months later...

My Website is https://www.mylockpicks.com. I have the same problem of receiving a 500 error every time I select my checkout method (i.e. links https://www.mylockpicks.com/modules/cheque/payment.php, https://www.mylockpicks.com/modules/paypal/payment/submit.php, https://www.mylockpicks.com/modules/gcheckout/payment.php). I have regenerated my .htaccess and robots.txt files, re-installed the payment modules, and checked my php5.ini (http://www.creedalene.com/phpinfo.php). I cannot seem to locate a problem with any of that. Could someone please take a look at either mine, or dharmendraraos site and let me know if they have a fix.

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I was able to fix this issue by re-generating my .htaccess file, adding a php5.ini with the settings below, and removing all Google Trusted Store code from my header.


memory_limit = 192M
post_max_size = 192M
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 192M


This still leaves me with a semi-serious issue though. I need to implement the Google Trusted Store coding into my site in order to continue listing my products on Google Merchant Center/AdWords. The thread for this topic is: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/179814-googles-trusted-stores-codes/


@dharmendrarao: what are you hosting your prestashop on? I've learned a lot recently about the different demands of prestashop, and like DesignHaus42 said, start by enabling your error reporting. you do this by opening your config/config.inc.php and editing the following code:


/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);


Simply change the 'off' to 'on', then paste the following code before everything else in config/index.php:


<?php error_reporting(0); $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("userErrorHandler");   function userErrorHandler ($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum,  $vars) { $time=date("d M Y H:i:s"); // Get the error type from the error number $errortype = array (1    => "Error", 2    => "Warning", 4    => "Parsing Error", 8    => "Notice", 16   => "Core Error", 32   => "Core Warning", 64   => "Compile Error", 128  => "Compile Warning", 256  => "User Error", 512  => "User Warning", 1024 => "User Notice"); $errlevel=$errortype[$errno];   //Write error to log file (CSV format) $errfile=fopen("errors.csv","a"); fputs($errfile,"\"$time\",\"$filename: $linenum\",\"($errlevel) $errmsg\"\r\n"); fclose($errfile);   if($errno!=2 && $errno!=8) { //Terminate script if fatal error die("A fatal error has occurred. Script execution has been aborted"); } } ?>


Try checking out, and it will tell you where the error is.

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