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Special tax rule

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I am a merchant from Denmark. In my country, we have a special tax rule for used items.


New items are charged 25% of the revenue but used items are only charged 25% of the profit.


How do I implement that tax rule in my shop?


I run


Thanks in advance,


- Patrick

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Sales price minus purchase price. For example: I buy an item for $50 and sell it for $100. I then only have to pay VAT for the 100-50=$50 that my profit is.


Unfortunately, PrestaShop is not set up to handle that sort of calculation by default. However, you're welcome to send an email to benjamin DOT utterback AT prestashop DOT com and we'll be happy to set you up with one of PrestaShop's Certified developers, matched to meet your specific needs when it comes to developing this sort of module.



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Thank you very much.


How long time will the developing take? And will it cost anything?


I couldn't tell you the timeline because these are external developers who have been certified by our team through intensive training, and budget is something you can certainly discuss with my colleague when you email him on the address I posted above.



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