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Few little bugs

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Hi there,


I would appreciate a little hand to help me finish my template. I took a free theme that I am modifying to my taste but I still have a few little bugs that I can manage to fix. My version is and heres my website:http://entreprisesecal.com/boutique/


Ok, first, ive added a "block footer links" module that alows us to put links in the bottom of our page. No matter what I try, the links wont open correctly. It always add the adress of my shop before the right url (www.entreprisesecal.com/boutique/www.photographiml.comeze.com) for example. The module that i've used is this one:http://www.prestasho...inks-cms-links/FIXED


Second little thing, all my middle backgrouns are white. If you clik on "boucles d'oreilles" for an example, it bring you to a page with white background. If you click on on of the earring, the white background disapears and we see the main background witch is what I dont want. I want all my product and text to be on white bg. The only way I'vwe managed to make this is to set the background white in the center column but if I do that it gets white for all the middle section to the top of the page... FIXED


Also, when you click on some category, thair is a little check box names "comparer" on every picture. I removed that module from my back office but it still shows up. Ive also deleted all the smarty cache. FIXED


If possible it would be nice to have 4 products per line or to have them centered.


Last little thing, anyone know a free module for uploading several picture at one when I set up my products? A bit like this one: http://www.prestasho...or-products-v2/ I tried installing it but my version is to new and the module wont workFIXED


Thanks alot! I know im asking for alot, normally I manage to fix things by myself (it's my 3rd template) but this one is driving me nuts!

Edited by Takhisis (see edit history)
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