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Updating Address fatal error

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I installed prestashop from local machine to new host.

I've noticed that I have an error when I'm trying to update and save the existing address as a Client

(I get Fatal Error).

I've enabled error and it says:

Table 'pomvyn5_presta.ps_block_cms' doesn't exist



SELECT c.id_cms, l.meta_title

FROM ps_cms c

JOIN ps_cms_lang l ON (c.id_cms = l.id_cms)

JOIN ps_block_cms b ON (c.id_cms = b.id_cms)

WHERE l.id_lang = 1 AND b.id_block = 56 AND c.`active` = 1

ORDER BY c.`position`

Can someone help me with this...

BTW I'm using PrestaShop™

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