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Foreign Shipping is Not Woroking

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I am having trouble with my foreign shipping kicking in when the customer enters the country/state. I have two separate carriers for foreign shipping - one for Canada, and one for all other zones (outside of North America). Niether are coming up when someone enters another country besides United States so I am paying for the extra shipping out of my pocket.


Have I missed something?




Also, as a side note, when adding the first item to the cart, you always have to do it twice for it to show up in the cart. Why is that?

Edited by kbrmin (see edit history)
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Take screen captures of the Shipping tab and each carrier settings, zip and attach to a post.


Also, as a side note, when adding the first item to the cart, you always have to do it twice for it to show up in the cart. Why is that?

Make sure Back Office > Preferences > SEO & URLs > PS directory is correct.


Your shop is installed at domain root (/) but the add to cart button points to /cart2/prestashop/. So when viewing the products at / there is no PrestaShop cookie and add to cart fails due to lack of a cookie, but in the process you are picking up a cookie.


After the first time when you are directed to the /cart2/prestashop/ the cookie you picked up from first add to cart allows adding to cart.

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Attached is the shipping settings preview. Thanks for looking. The foreign shipping is not working at all.


I did not know the cart was installed in the root - in my domain panel, it was uploaded to /cart2/prestashop/. I'm attaching a preview of the settings. Would it break the shop if I change the PS directory and it is not right?


I appreciate your help.



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Are the relevant weight/price ranges setup for all carriers. (BO > Shipping > Carriers > Price ranges and Weight ranges)?

Are relevant prices entered for all carriers under Fees by carrier, geographical zone and ranges (BO > Shipping)?

Are the countries in the correct zones (BO > Shipping > Countries)?

Confirm these are OK and then I will create an account and have a closer look.


p.s You could change Free shipping for KBR 'Apply Shipping Cost' setting to No since it is a free carrier BTW


I did not know the cart was installed in the root

Cart may be installed under /cart2/prestashop/ but add to cart buttons appear at kingsbloomingrose.com/. i.e. the root of the domain. So by the time they are displayed, there are no PrestaShop cookies (usually the cookie is added as soon as you arrive at the shop and the cart checks for the existence of a cookie).

Edited by phrasespot (see edit history)
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Are the relevant weight/price ranges setup for all carriers. (BO > Shipping > Carriers > Price ranges and Weight ranges)?

Are relevant prices entered for all carriers under Fees by carrier, geographical zone and ranges (BO > Shipping)?

Are the countries in the correct zones (BO > Shipping > Countries)?

Confirm these are OK and then I will create an account and have a closer look.


p.s You could change Free shipping for KBR 'Apply Shipping Cost' setting to No since it is a free carrier BTW



Cart may be installed under /cart2/prestashop/ but add to cart buttons appear at kingsbloomingrose.com/. i.e. the root of the domain. So by the time they are displayed, there are no PrestaShop cookies (usually the cookie is added as soon as you arrive at the shop and the cart checks for the existence of a cookie).


Thanks for the pointers. As far as I can see, these things are correct.


That makes sense about the cookie. So I suppose there is not too much to do about it?


You can message me if you need some info to check into the shipping problem. Thanks

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