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New feature: Rich menu on Addons website

Carl Favre

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Hello everyone,


We have some news about Addons website. In order to facilitate the browsing among all the modules and themes the Addons team is adding a new rich menu.


The aim is to reorganize the categories and to make it easier for the customers to browse your themes and modules. It will also give more visibility to your modules!


This rich menu has already been tested by some contributors and their feedback has been really positive.


With the rich menu you now have 3 big categories:

  • Administrative tools category

Everything related to back-office: billing & invoicing, payments & gateways, etc.
  • Marketing category

How to improve your SEO, how to increase the average cart value, your sales, etc.
  • Website customization category

Menus, footers, sliders, but also everything related to search engines/filters, etc.


Themes and documentation categories remain unchanged.


For the contributors it does not change anything when you submit a new theme/module.

You choose your categories as usual; the only difference is that during marketing validation the Addons marketing team selects for your module the corresponding categories of the rich menu.


If a module corresponds to 2 categories, we will select the two categories from the rich menu (2 is the maximum number of category your module can be linked to).


This way the customer should find all the modules/themes that fit his needs.


If by any chance you notice that your module has not been assigned to the good category or that it does not appear in Addons search engine, do not hesitate to contact Sandra, [sandra.arcal [@] prestashop.com], you can write her an email in English, French or Spanish. She will gladly help you :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for bothering you again and again with this question, but maybe you know some terms, 1 year, 2 year? I'm ,and I'm sure all other contributors, waiting this feature more than half year, after the addons team removed it. It's very important feature on any marketplace. Thank you for the understanding

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