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Monster Template Pricing

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How is it that tempates that are availble to buy, obviously develped on old release's of prestashop

are priced exactly the same as new released theme's.


After recently puchased a great theme that i thought would look ideal, was built on 1.4.3, looking to update have some issues, O hell no, i might aswell just start from cratch now ($140 later), it will save me nervous breakdown of all problems trying to fix it. Led to believe templates availble will work fine, except for this little part that says PrestaShop Compatibility: 1.4.3.x.

Even the demo have issue's

http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/35380.html no images displaying for head categories.


http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/34478.html, this was another, looks good, just don't open it in ie9. & we are getting new templates everyday. Whats the chance of you updating the ones we have all ready purchased, so there compatible. Or making it more obverse, THIS TEMPLATE IS BUILD ON EXTREMELY OLD VERSION, updating my be difficult. We have decided though we will charge you the same price as the new release version's to make your experience just as enjoyable, less 40 or 50 improved features.

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Hi Adam,

This is not the place to discuss another company's pricing. At the same time, not every user runs their site on the very latest version of PrestaShop. I see sites every day here on the forums running 1.3, 1.2 and occasionally even 1.1. As a matter of fact, this week's Shop of the Week is running version 1.2.5 very successfully.


If you believe that there is an error with one of their templates, I would urge you to let them know on their website.


PrestaShop does not have any control over TemplateMonster's products or upgrade timelines. You will want to speak with them directly to get more information on these concerns.



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