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Where is the Payment php file ?

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Hi everyone,


I was wondering in which php file I could add a new category of payment ?

I would like to had an insurance, but I don't know which file to modify to add the new price category and then to add this price to the total amount of the customers cart.

If someone could telle me which file it is, that would be very helpful.


Thank you in advance.

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It's best not to modify the core files, but to use modules or other alternatives instead.


Do you mean shipping insurance? If so, you could add it as a handling charge under the Shipping tab. Another option would be to add it as a product attribute that the customer selects when adding the product to their cart.

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Yes I want to add a shipping insurance.


I did a module in which I put a checkbox when the customer orders. And I added a column in the mysql table : ps_orders

But I don't get how to change the value of the column I added and so how to add that to the total amount.

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