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Build your own theme using Firebug!!!

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As every day more and more people join the Prestashop community, i´ve seen that nobody really knows how to begin to modify the default theme (at least the newbies like me).

So i found a little add-on for firefox called Firebug....a must have!

You can actually modify your current theme in realtime.

Its free....but, you must have html+css knowledge...so there´s always a catch.

Its a really usefull tool and you can speed up your desiging time like 10 times faster.

Im making my own theme right now, it´s very clean desing and as soon as i get it done im posting it here.

If you know another way to improve this matter please let us know!!!

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I´m a newbee, too and what helped a lot to understand and modify the look of my shop the
way I want it is to download a free template as posted here.
there you can modify the pictures, for example and you are good to go.
and if you tear the template apart you understand how they work, ok I still don´t know all of it
but I´m getting to.
And the modules are really not difficult to move arround at all, from the admin section.

take it easy

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