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Cart Page extremely slow

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Hi all,


We're having some problems with our prestashop. Most of the site loads quickly without any issues, but the minute you try to look at the cart it grinds to a halt. It takes at least 10 seconds to load.


It reminds me of having cache off and compile on in the time it takes to load. I turned on smarty debug and was shown that it took over 13 seconds to render but the report showed the template files all loaded fairly quickly:


Smarty Debug Console - Total Time 13.58278
included templates & config files (load time in seconds)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/jbx_menu/header.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00044) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/ganalytics/header.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00050) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/blockuserinfo/blockuserinfo.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00824) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/jbx_menu/menu.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.03493) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/jbx_menu/menu_tree.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.02579) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/blockcategories/blockcategories.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00000) (cache 0.00055)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/blockadvertising/blockadvertising.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00022) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/header.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00114) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/tools/smarty/debug.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.18715) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/paypal/standard/paypal.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00161) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/payauthorizenet/payment.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00763) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./errors.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00092) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/order-opc.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.07712) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./shopping-cart.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.05391) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./breadcrumb.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00111) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./order-steps.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00073) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./shopping-cart-product-line.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.02847) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./order-address.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00876) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./order-carrier.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00487) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/./order-payment.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00069) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/blockrightlink/blockrightlink.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00022) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/modules/blockcms/blockcms.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00061) (cache 0.00000)
/home/marblecl/public_html/themes/prestashop/footer.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00083) (cache 0.00000)


I'm not really sure what to make of this right now and would appreciate any guidance that people can offer. You can view the page at: http://www.marble-cleaning-products.com/ once you click on the cart in the top right it all slows down right away.

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I have made a fresh install of prestashop and imported the theme. The cart works fine on there. There is a list of additional modules which I didn't transfer:

  • jbx_menu
  • py_urlrewritingplus
  • productmedia
  • captcha
  • wordpress
  • blockrightlink
  • upstracking
  • gmerchantcenter
  • orlique
  • egrupsshippinglabel

Any thoughts on these and which might be problematic?


One thing I did notice, when I changed to the 5 step process on the pages that didn't have the UPS info it loaded fine. I'm going to take a look at egrupsshippinglabel has anyone seen this before?

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I've repaired and optimized all the tables without any change, still drags to a halt.


I also changed from Filesystem caching to memcache no joy there either.


After I installed the fresh copy of prestashop on the latest version, I added the modules and the cart loaded fine, I then took the database and swapped it out for the old one to see what would happen. Everything loads fine as far as data but the cart has now came down to a grind again.


Completely confused at the moment.

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I will do.


I put the new install of prestashop on my localhost. The cart responds within 4 seconds (debug report) which is a lot better than the 15 or so seconds on the live version.


I'm uploading the fresh install copy to the live host to see if it responds the same. Getting it down from 15 seconds to 4 would be a great start. I'll see how this goes after it uploads then if I still see issues I'll contact the host.

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