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[SOLVED] Contact-form and new-products not found anymore

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I have recently copied my 2 languages (Romanian and English) site to another domain, http://www.capricerings.com/ and then removed after disabling the default Romanian leaving only English language.

This is causing not found to contact-form and new-products pages.

Everything else seem to work except these.

Anyone can help ?

kind Regards,



P.S. Did everything I could, upgrade shop to 1.8.2, regenerate htaccess, cleared cache, compile but no luck yet.


[sOLVED] After weeks of searching and trying lots of ideas I have found burred this little gem, http://davidwalsh.name/mod_rewrite-htaccess-godaddy who solved it instantly.

May it help others too!

Edited by Caprice (see edit history)
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Not only that I have moved them but they wee of an 1.7.0 installation and afterwards performed a successful upgrade to 1.8.0.

Curious thing, the same problem persisted on both versions.

1.7 and 1.8 installation? What software are you using as there are no versions that high.
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Make sure the theme you are using, whatever it is has the templates for the missing pages; contact-form.tpl and new-products.tpl


Yes it has, despite previously done, I have overwritten them again from my other functional site using the same identical theme but still no luck, same behavior

And yes, I meant 14.7 to 1.4.8, too hasty I'm afraid :-).

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Yes it has, despite previously done, I have overwritten them again from my other functional site using the same identical theme but still no luck, same behavior

Could those requests be triggering some sort of security software like Mod security. Try a secondary fresh install to a subdirectory of the domain. Does that one work? Try with the default theme, then apply the theme you are using and try again.

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What puzzles me is that direct URL like contact-form.php not working either so not a redirect error.

Ca\hanged my theme's contact-form.tpl with the prestashop's original theme's one, still nothing.

Re uploaded the 1.4.8 original contact-form.php just to be sure, nothing again.


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