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First time installing - First thoughts

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Pretty much a noob with Prestashop (despite developing 3 sites) here is what I think so far, the idea being I give a perspective as a small business owner and semi-competent web designer.


1. Ambigious instruction.


I hit my first stumbling block on the System Config page. I know. Not far.


What does "You have to create a database" actually mean in context of the form below? Does it mean I have to create a database first in mysql or if I provide you with some details below you will go ahead and do it for me? It's the former (as far I can tell :P ). As "You have to create a database" wasn't much help I clicked the readme and from all that text only the following bit was somewhat useful (ideally what I needed to know what have been in the readme.txt





To install PrestaShop, you need a remote web server or on your computer (MAMP), with access to a database like MySQL.

You'll need access to phpMyAdmin to create a database and to indicate the information in the database in the installer.



Ah. Got ya. Could have saved me a click ;)


Suggestion: Rename the first portion of text something like: Before continuing, you'll need to go ahead and create a database in MySQL yourself. You can then enter that information into the form below... well something like that.


2. Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields

Pretty good error message and the chances are it is the Database server that it can't see so it's a shame it had to mention the login and password... IIRC prestashop will spit out a different error message if it can find the server and is having problems with the login\password combo.


Suggestion: Clarify where the problem is specifically... I know you can!


Edit: Turned out it was a password error. Grrr!



3. Installation Process page - Prestashop Ads

There are some ads for the prestashop site... A little text saying something like "Whilst your site is installing, why not check out the full power of prestashop. Links open in a new page".. or something like that.


4. Front Office Screenshot...

oh I wish the default template looked like the screenshot!


5. Backoffice first visit


I get this message:


For security reasons, you cannot connect to the Back Office until after you have:

  • deleted the /install folder
  • renamed the /admin folder (e.g. /admin123)871

Please then access this page by the new URL (e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/admin123)871


What's with the "871"? :/


6. Hello Dashboard!

<more to follow>


7. Compile cache if templates are updated

Not only a time saver but a huge brain saver! All those times when something hasn't updated because you know what.



8. Damn that Memcache warning. and now we have APC too.


9. Why are you calling back to help.prestashop.com :huh:


10. Definiately seeing the pages load quickly after first attempt. E.g. 1.537s for Products page and then < 0.33s even after browser cache cleared

Edited by oxyweb (see edit history)
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