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Strange Prestashop Bug

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I am getting a strange bug in one of my clients shops. After a while some of the modules just stop loading. They do this for a day or two and then start loading again.


I have tried everything I know to figure out what the problem is, but I am stumped. I have unhooked and re-hooked them, re-installed them, turned the various debuggs on, all while the site is forcing compile and with the caching turned off.


I am thinking for some reason it is ignoring the hook for a while. Because it only affects one hook, but every module in that hook.


Anyone have any suggestions?


As a time frame everything will work for a month or so then it will break for a couple of days.

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The link is tekkiesbk.com the modules are the cms module and the new products module. Both of them are ones that shipped with PS, but I did edit them to suit my needs.


The right hook is set for everything right of the products, so when it does not fire it loses the banners, cart, search, and the social media icons.


I currently have it hardcoded into the footer.tpl so it "looks" like it is working but when it actually comes back online and starts working again it doubles everything on the right side until I take the hardcode out.


The shop is running btw

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Thanks Mike, sorry it took so long I was running a big que.


I took the hard coding out. In the footer.tpl this is where the hook is called.

<div id="right_column" class="column" style="margin:0px;">

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Hi DesignHaus,

I took a look at this with one of our graphic designers, and he suggested that while this is often some sort of cache issue, that you check your overrides as well to see if anything there could be causing this.


Additionally, you may want to try temporarily switching to the default PrestaShop theme just to see if the hook displays there.



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I just tried to switch to the default theme and no luck. I put the override back in so it looks as if it is loading now. By, override, I mean I am just adding the html that the modules "should" render to the footer.


I don't have any actual overrides in the core of the site. It is a pretty basic install, the only module that it uses that is not stock is tomergs authorize.net module. But I have tried disabling it and no luck.


What is weird about it is, it just "happens". The first time it happened I figured someone unhooked the modules, but they were still hooked and I put the html code in the footer til I could figure out the problem. But a few hours later the hook started working again and it looked as if the side bar was repeating from where I had the hardcode in it.


Its really baffling because it just "comes and gos" on its own. But I have cleared all the caches, locally and on the server and I have it compiling also.

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