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Import "price" field into product table, csv using import tool

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Hi All,


Thanks in advance for any support. Using prestashop v=, I'm currently able to successfully import data using csv and the import tool. However, I may be mistaken, but is there no way to set the price via a bulk upload using csv? I've exported the fields from the sql table to view them, and I can already see that there are missing fields in the "Available Fields" as well as the "Column" drop down section of the "Your Data" screen of the csv import for products.


Is there not a way to bulk insert price -> product using csv and the import tool? I've searched the forum and google for several hours now. Any assistance would be much appreciate. Thank you,



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I have some problems understanding your question/problem because i have 0 skill on English.


I dont know why you cant put prices when using csv import tool.

You can import all data related to product, and update it, including price, stock or any data you provide into csv.

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Thanks for the response. I must be missing something then. These are the "Available Fields" in the Product Sample csv:




Active (0/1)

Name *

Categories (x,y,z...)

Price tax excl.

Tax rules id

Wholesale price

On sale (0/1)

Discount amount

Discount percent

Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)

Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)

Reference #

Supplier reference #








Short description


Tags (x,y,z...)




URL rewritten

Text when in-stock

Text if back-order allowed

Available for order

Date add product

Show price

Image URLs (x,y,z...)

information.pngDelete existing images (0 = no, 1 = yes)


Only available online



Can you tell me which one should I put the actual price in?

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If you are using taxes (is not really obviosly) you have to choose same option than if you don't choose.


(Price tax excluded) > You need that price base (No total price available because total always is calculed in base of discount and like this)


Now you have to choose (Id tax) > This is the id of defined tax table. If you use only one type, you will get 1. You can add this manually into csv before import.


You may set the tax rule if you import over new store, because tax rules will be empty.


Can you understand my poor English? :(

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Thanks. Actually, the "Price Tax Excl." field is filled with prices for each product. I'm testing 28 products, and they all have prices referenced in that column. This is what's confusing to me, as I did that before I even posted here. Per your suggestion, I also placed a "0" or "1' in the "Tax Rules ID" column, and still no go. No price shows up on any product. Additionally, the "Show Price" column has a 1 in each field, as does the "Available for Order" column, so the price of 0.00 is showing up on each product, but not reflecting the actual price.

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What the catch if i want to add short description to all of my products that are already at my shop/ database with description, that having no short descriptions. i want to add just short descriptions from the CSV upload to all the products that i'm having at my shop..


Give me solution for best...


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I read again from start.


You havent to put any currency simbol into csv import when import again to web.


Explanation: When you export from web, a option gives you posibility to format price, BUT, data extracted is only a NUMBER, like 10, not 10€$. Only a number is allowed from import.

When you see currency simbol into excel program, si not, is a cell formatting. If you click into price, will see only a number value type.


A dude from this, is... do you write manually $ simbol to price cell??


You have two options at least.

1. Do not use money format option.

2. Select row into excel, use "search and replace". Search for € or $ and replace with "blank" (None, blank is not space ;)) any time you import.


If that does not solve your problem, maybe i need see problem into my screen to understand.

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