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[Solved] Sitemap page - Remove 1 link?

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You can do this by editing the sitemap.tpl file for the theme you're using. In your case you can find the file in public_html/themes/prestashop_new/sitemap.tpl on your hosting account. To remove the top sellers link just comment out the following code:


<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('best-sales.php')}">{l s='Top sellers'}</a></li>


To comment it out put an exclamation mark and two hyphens after the first bracket (e.g. <!--li) and two hyphens before the last one (e.g. li-->). In order to see the change on the frontend of your store you also have to enable the force compile option. You can do this from the back office (Preferences tab>Performance sub-tab). After the change is present on the frontend disable the force compile.

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