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Terms and coditions link not working (SOLVED)

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In the check out process, my (read)Terms and coditions link it's not working


Ive already reviewed some other post about changing the "I agree to the terms of service and adhere to them unconditionally" (read) link in the carriers check out page.

Since i don't have any more the default terms and conditions CMS section (with id3) i created a new one and edited the order-carriers.tpl file to redirect the link to the new page


i made the following mod:




<a href="{$link_conditions}" class="iframe">{l s='(read)'}</a>




<a href='https://www.madereria.mx/content/19-politicas-de-venta' class="iframe">{l s='(read)'}</a>


but the only way to open the link from the check out page is to right click on it and selecting : open in a new tab. Nothing happens if i click it normally



i tried changing the iframe thing to thickbox and now the links opens, but in the same page. That is wrong because if you want to go back, you'll have to start from the beginning of the check out process. i think it should open in a small box so the customer can read it and close it without losing the check out process.



Any suggestions?





An answer to my own question:



- copy order-address.js and tools.js from "original theme/js/" to "new theme/js"





Edited by janoloco (see edit history)
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