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Changing of impt position!

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go to themes/your_theme/product.tpl


find this code:

<!-- description and features -->
{if $product->description || $features || $accessories || $HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB || $attachments}
<div id="more_info_block" class="clear">
<ul id="more_info_tabs" class="idTabs idTabsShort">
 {if $product->description}<li><a id="more_info_tab_more_info" href="#idTab1">{l s='More info'}</a></li>{/if}
 {if $features}<li><a id="more_info_tab_data_sheet" href="#idTab2">{l s='Data sheet'}</a></li>{/if}
 {if $attachments}<li><a id="more_info_tab_attachments" href="#idTab9">{l s='Download'}</a></li>{/if}
 {if isset($accessories) AND $accessories}<li><a href="#idTab4">{l s='Accessories'}</a></li>{/if}
<div id="more_info_sheets" class="sheets align_justify">
{if $product->description}
 <!-- full description -->
 <div id="idTab1" class="rte">{$product->description}</div>
{if $features}


and place it on the position you want.

I.E.: infront of this line:

{if ($product->show_price AND !isset($restricted_country_mode)) OR isset($groups) OR $product->reference OR (isset($HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS) && $HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS)}


This will plant it between the price and the buy button!


Let me know if it worked!

Cheers Helldog!

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You might want to delete the "more details" button afterwards:


Delete these lines:

{if $product->description}
  <p class="buttons_bottom_block"><a href="javascript:{ldelim}{rdelim}" class="button">{l s='More details'}</a></p>


cheers Helldog

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Okay it should work for sure..

Place back everyhing to normal, afterwards firstly delete the button by commencing out this line:


{if $product->description}
  <p class="buttons_bottom_block"><a href="javascript:{ldelim}{rdelim}" class="button">{l s='More details'}</a></p>


Place it online, and clean your cache before watching the differences..

Now it should work.


Cheers Helldog!

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