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Can I make shop in PrestaShop with these functions?

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Hi all!


Soon I'll have to create shop with these functions, so please read and help me if you can


Function #1

When somebody visits product named 'Main product', it will see this elements:


'Main product' will have some SKU, lets say SKU 0. Below image of main product, there will be other variations (mainly in color) od that product. So 'main product' can came in variations of red, yellow, greeen and blue color. Every color combination must have its own SKU. Now clicking on small image previews (thumbnails), image of 'Main product' should be replaced, and new SKU incorporated somwhow.


My question is: Is this possible with osCommerce? If yes, how can it be done (I'm not asking for code, but just how it should be implemented).


Function #2

All prices on site should be in euros, while adding product in cart and price on invoice must be in dollars.


My question is same as the one above.



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