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in stock bug ?

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I have one product named M16C with stock quantity = 0

For this product, the stock rule is : when in stock, print : EN STOCK, when not in stock, but can be ordered, print : EN ARRIVAGE

on the product page, with quantity = 0, the right message set in the product page appears correctly : "EN ARRIVAGE"




But on the Category page, this product appears with the "EN STOCK" message




Thanks for telling what needs to be done to correct the Category stock message according to the product stock real status.


Thanks for your help

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Okay if you go to admin --> Preferences --> Products


Did you enable the second option? meaning to enable buy products which are NOT in stock!


I don't know what excactly 'En arrivage' and 'En stock' means but I have a good idea.. :P


Cheers Helldog!

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Yes the option to enable buy product which are NOT in stock is activated.


Do you mean this could be the reason why the product appears "in stock" in the category list ?


This must make sense if it induces the customer to reach the product page and sees the specific text I have set for this product when not in stock (in this case, in arrivage means "coming soon")


Do you think that the "in stock" information in the category list is intented this way ?


Cheers, vinci music

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What you might do (I don't know how many products you have) is set each product 1 by 1 with your default settings.


Go to: Catalog --> Your product --> edit


Scroll down till you find: 'Displayed text when in stock' and 'Displayed text when out of stock'.

Here you can edit your own text, try it out for 1 or 2 articles, this might be a solution for you.


Cheers helldog!

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I've set each product with its own settings, like for example of the M16C : "on stock" and "coming soon" if not in stock


When the product quantity is 0, the availability message on this specific product page is set correctly to "coming soon" (en arrivage)

But this availability information is not set correctly on the product appearance in the category list which always says "on stock" even if quantity is 0.


Cheers vincimusic

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Okay I found another possible solution for you, this was for people showing the wrong prices in the product-list but not at the product page self.


It seems to only happen on products that don't have any options. The import It is setting the cache_default_attribute field in the pss_product table when it should not be (this field would only be set when products have a default option). Running this SQL solved the problem:


1. Clear the cache_default field for all products

UPDATE `pss_product` SET `cache_default_attribute` = 0


2. Reset the values:

UPDATE `pss_product` AS p, `pss_product_attribute` AS pa

SET p.`cache_default_attribute` = pa.`id_product_attribute`

WHERE p.`id_product` = pa.`id_product` AND pa.`default_on` = 1


This also solved the problem of products appeariing on the category page as out of stock, when they were actually in stock. When displaying the category pages, PS appears to us the cache_default_attribute field to find the price of the default option. Because this field appears to be being set for products without options, PS is goiong to find the pss_product_attribute record, not finding it, displaying a randon value for the price, and also thinking the product is out of stock.

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You can do this by going to your DB MySQL and enter the querys in wrote in the last post.

Or you might ask your hosting provider where to find your MySQL database and if you can enter this yourself.

You might aswell ask them to execute these actions, as they are more experienced then you probably are.


Cheers Helldog!

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