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Invalid Security Token?

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Working on fixing an issue I am having with a module, when clicking on the products associated with the following link I get an invalid security token warning.

If I change the link to include the token # from the url address bar then the link works, the problem is that this is a module and I want people to be able to install and not have to modify the PHP file.


Can anyone help with how to properly code this to pull the token correctly.


(original Link) (gives error)

<td><a href="?tab=AdminCatalog&id_product=<?php echo $product['id_product'];?>&updateproduct&token=<?php echo $token;?>"><?php echo $product['name'];?></a></td>



(workaround) (works)

<td><a href="?tab=AdminCatalog&id_product=<?php echo $product['id_product'];?>&updateproduct&token=c5b4066fd181dfba81d5569ef3b2beff"><?php echo $product['name'];?></a></td>



Thanks in Advance.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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